Using X2CScope to Simplify Motor Control Development and Debugging

X2CScope is a software tool that can greatly simplify the process of motor control development and debugging. (May 2021)

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About this course

X2Cscope is a virtual oscilloscope tool which allows run-time debugging or monitoring of your embedded application in MPLAB® X IDE. This tool allows you to watch, plot and even modify any global variable in your embedded application at run-time without halting your CPU. X2Cscope is for generic use in any embedded application and perfectly fits for signal processing related applications. After this class you will be able to add X2Cscope to your application firmware, utilize X2Cscope GUI watch and scope views and use more advance scripting features if needed.

Curriculum75 min

  • Syllabus
  • Introduction
  • What This Class Will Cover 2 min
  • How X2CScope works 9 min
  • Knowledge Check
  • Firmware with Harmony 3
  • Installing Harmony 3 Launcher and X2CScope Software Stack 5 min
  • Add X2CScope Library, TC and SERCOM to new project 7 min
  • Add Source Code to Harmony 3 Project 13 min
  • Project Configuration, Build and Program 3 min
  • Firmware with Bare Metal Setup
  • Bare Metal Concept 3 min
  • Adding X2CScope Sources to Bare Metal Project 3 min
  • Integrate X2CScope APIs 6 min
  • Plugin and GUI
  • Installing X2CScope Plugin 1 min
  • Using X2CScope Plugin - Connecting, Watch Window and Modify Variables 4 min
  • Using X2CScope Plugin - Scope and Triggers 4 min
  • Scripting
  • Scripting Watch 7 min
  • Scripting Scope 7 min
  • Your Feedback
  • We need your Feedback

About this course

X2Cscope is a virtual oscilloscope tool which allows run-time debugging or monitoring of your embedded application in MPLAB® X IDE. This tool allows you to watch, plot and even modify any global variable in your embedded application at run-time without halting your CPU. X2Cscope is for generic use in any embedded application and perfectly fits for signal processing related applications. After this class you will be able to add X2Cscope to your application firmware, utilize X2Cscope GUI watch and scope views and use more advance scripting features if needed.

Curriculum75 min

  • Syllabus
  • Introduction
  • What This Class Will Cover 2 min
  • How X2CScope works 9 min
  • Knowledge Check
  • Firmware with Harmony 3
  • Installing Harmony 3 Launcher and X2CScope Software Stack 5 min
  • Add X2CScope Library, TC and SERCOM to new project 7 min
  • Add Source Code to Harmony 3 Project 13 min
  • Project Configuration, Build and Program 3 min
  • Firmware with Bare Metal Setup
  • Bare Metal Concept 3 min
  • Adding X2CScope Sources to Bare Metal Project 3 min
  • Integrate X2CScope APIs 6 min
  • Plugin and GUI
  • Installing X2CScope Plugin 1 min
  • Using X2CScope Plugin - Connecting, Watch Window and Modify Variables 4 min
  • Using X2CScope Plugin - Scope and Triggers 4 min
  • Scripting
  • Scripting Watch 7 min
  • Scripting Scope 7 min
  • Your Feedback
  • We need your Feedback