Introduction 1 min
Agenda 2 min
Lumens, Lux and Efficacy 2 min
Candela, Color Temperature and the Color Rendering Index 5 min
Using Lighting Vocabulary with Different Kinds of Lamps 4 min
Flicker and Power Factor 4 min
LEDs 4 min
Driving LEDs and Linear Drivers 7 min
Switching Drivers 4 min
Lighting Controls 14 min
Hot Topics 13 min
UV Lighting 15 min
References 6 min
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Introduction to Solid-State Lighting
This class covers terminology for lighting as well as an introduction to lighting drivers and control techniques for solid state lighting applications. (Oct 2021)
This class is for the engineer who wants to take his/her general technical knowledge and expand it to include modern lamp and light fixture design. The first section will deal with LEDs and lighting essentials, particularly to establish the necessary vocabulary for further discussions. Next, there will be an overview of the drivers for LEDs (linear and switching), and how they can, and can’t, deal with lighting challenges. The final topic will be controls, both analog and digital, both wired and wireless. There will be a few digressions along the way on contemporary issues and interests (warm dimming, lasers, and MEMS, for example).