- Introduction to Operational Amplifiers
Key Concepts
Ideal Parameters
Input Modes
Transfer Characteristics
Ideal Parameters Revisited
DC Specifications Explained
Input Voltage Range (VIN, VD, VCM)
Output Voltage Swing (VOH, VOL)
Open Loop Gain
Closed Loop Gain
Input Offset Voltage (VOS)
Input Bias Offset Current
Common Mode Rejection Ratio (CMRR)
Power Supply Rejection (PSRR)
Power Supply Requirements
Input Impedance
Output Impedance
AC Specifications
Bode Plot
Gain Bandwidth Product
Closed Loop Gain Bandwidth
Phase and Gain Margins
Slew Rate
Settling Time and Overshoot
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Intro to Op-Amps Part 1: The Fundamentals
This text-based training explains the basic operational amplifier (op-amp) concepts and terminology. (Aug 2023)
This text-based training begins with operational amplifier (op-amp) concepts and terminology such as op-amp definition, op-amp terminals, op-amp input modes, op-amp basic ideal characteristics, specifications, feedback configurations, etc.