Introduction 1 min
Materials for Download
- State Machines
Why, What, How 5 min
Implementation 3 min
Benefits 3 min
- MCC Lab Session
Initializing MPLAB® X Project using MCC 11 min
Blink an LED 10 min
Use MCC to Initialize Timer 20 min
Interface a Key Input 14 min
Add a UART Interface 12 min
Interface an ADC and PWM 18 min
- Summary
Summary 6 min
- Your Feedback
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Getting Started with PIC16F1xxx MCUs using MCC and State Machines
When you complete this class you will be able to create a PIC16F1xxx application from scratch using State Machines, MPLAB® X and MPLAB Code Configurator (MCC). You will be able to configure GPIO, Timer, USART and ADC using MCC. (Nov 2021)
When you complete this class you will be able to create a PIC16F1xxx application from scratch using State Machines, MPLAB® X and MPLAB Code Configurator (MCC). You will be able to configure GPIO, Timer, USART and ADC using MCC.
Using a State Machine format, we will create our PIC16F1619 Application on a Curiosity Demo Board using MPLABX IDE. We will use MPLAB Code Configurator (MCC) to Initialize our System and Interface Hardware. The Application will involve step-by-step creation of our code.
- Starting with blinking an LED at a half sec rate.
- Using a push-button switch (key) to start/stop the blinking.
- USART for serial communication to display “Hello World!” on tera term
- ADC input from a potentiometer, displaying value of the potentiometer on Tera Term.