- Introduction
Introduction 1 min
Types of Power Supply Controllers 2 min
Overview of Field Programmable PWM Controllers 2 min
Microchip PWM Controllers 2 min
CIP Hybrid Power Controller Architecture 1 min
- SMPS Library
Overview of the Library 3 min
Downloading and Installing the Library 1 min
- Examples
Example #1: Voltage Mode Implementation 14 min
Example #2: Peak Current Mode 13 min
Example #3: Custom Implementations 16 min
- Your Feedback
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Getting Started with CIP Hybrid Power PWM Controllers and MPLAB® X SMPS Design Tools
Getting Started with CIP Hybrid Power PWM Controllers and MPLAB® X SMPS Design Tools. (Dec 2020)
Microchip’s mixed signal MCUs contain analog control loops with digital oversight to configure, monitor, and dynamically adjust performance with an embedded microcontroller (MCU). This allows the system to report telemetry, make operating adjustments on the fly and respond to faults with customized, application-specific code. Without this added integration, flexible robust designs could require separate chips to regulate the output, adjust the regulator operation, measure the results, and communicate the information outside the system. This class will introduce you to Microchip’s PIC16F17xx family of programmable PWM controllers with an overview of the tools, architecture and 3 examples that demonstrate how each solution is created followed by a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of each implementation.