- Overview of an MPLAB® Harmony Graphics Application
Structure and Components
Legato Quickstart Application Overview 8 min
- Microchip Graphics Composer (MGC)
Overview 4 min
Screen Designer 6 min
Widget Toolbox and Editor 4 min
Color Schemes 4 min
Project Settings 7 min
- Designing a GUI using MGC
Screens, Buttons, Images and Labels 6 min
Creating a New UI Screen 10 min
- Application Demo
Generating and Running the Graphics Application
- Where To Go Next
Additional Resources
- Your Feedback
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Getting Started with a New Harmony Graphics Application
This class shows how to use the The MPLAB® Harmony Graphics Suite (MHGS) to design a simple touch-enabled UI application on any Microchip 32-bit Graphics Development Kit. (June 2023)
The MPLAB® Harmony Graphics Suite (MHGS) is a powerful and royalty-free, User Interface design and development suite for Microchip’s 32-bit microcontrollers and microprocessors. The MHGS is tightly integrated into the MPLABX IDE and MPLAB Harmony software development framework which leads to lower development cost, shorter time to market and higher-quality embedded graphics products. After completing this class, you will be able to use MHGS to design a simple touch-enabled UI application on any Microchip 32-bit Graphics Development Kit.