- Introduction
Introduction 2 min
Why Dual Core? 3 min
- Dual Core Architecture
Basic Architecture 3 min
Device Level Systems 2 min
Application Flow 3 min
Main to Secondary Interface (MSI) 3 min
- Dual Core Programming and Debugging
Programming and Debugging 3 min
- Dual Core Application Development Resources
Application Development Resources 3 min
- Your Feedback
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dsPIC33CH Dual Core Device Architecture
This class will discuss the dsPIC33CH family of 16-bit dual-core dsPIC® devices. (Jan 2021)
This course covers the architecture of the dsPIC33CH dual-core family of digital signal controllers. Intended for developers who have some experience with Microchip's single core MCU architecture, this class emphasizes the specific features and benefits found in a dual core dsPIC33CH device, including basic device architecture and peripheral integration, shared resources, run time application startup for each core, and inter-core communications. We will also review all the programming and debugging modes using the latest Microchip development tools available.