- Introduction
Introduction 1 min
- WinPath
What is WinPath? 2 min
What can WinPath do? 3 min
Hardware Specification 7 min
- Civica WanStaX
Introduction 3 min
WanStaX Applications 4 min
- Application Examples
Software Defined Networks (SDN) 6 min
IoT Gateways 3 min
Smart Grid Routers 6 min
- Summary
Summary 1 min
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An Introduction to Software Defined Industrial Gateway
How to use Microchip Network Processors (NPUs), turnkey software and white boxes for telecom and industrial applications. (Nov 2021)
A gateway will connect clients' Ethernet or IP data, aggregate them together, and transmit them to the cloud servers through reliable and secured network connections. Gateways will need to provide various packet processing functions and networking protocols depending on where it is used, whether in Smart Grid, IoT, or telecommunication applications.
This class will introduce WinPath, a network processor purposely built for gateway applications and WanStaX, a software framework that allows the gateway functions to be software defined and configured. You will be able to learn how you can use existing white boxes equipped with WinPath and WanStaX to develop a gateway that is programmable and customizable for your own applications. This class is a product overview and will not dive into technical details.