Introduction 1 min
Mechanical Basics of a Crystal 6 min
Modes of a Crystal 4 min
Crystal Cuts 4 min
AT Cut vs SC Cut Comparison 1 min
- Questions and Answers
Where Are Crystals Used? 1 min
How is a Quartz Crystal Created? 1 min
Why 4 Mechanical Connections? 1 min
What Does Swept Quartz Mean? 1 min
How Much Does a Quartz Crystal Deflect? 1 min
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Introduction to Quartz Crystals
This course provides a detailed overview of piezoelectric effect, resonator structures, cuts, vibration modes and overtones. (Oct 2022)
This course provides a detailed overview of piezoelectric effect, resonator structures, cuts, vibration modes and overtones. There will also be a comparison between AT and SC cut crystals for frequency vs temperature performance. Finally, it explains how quartz is used to become a resonator and how the resonators are implemented into designs.