Chatter - Features and Use

Keith Rowe covers the basic functionality of Chatter and how to use this powerful communication tool effectively. (January 2023)

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About this course

Keith Rowe covers the basic functionality of Chatter and how to use this powerful communication tool effectively.

Curriculum31 min

  • Intro and Agenda 1 min
  • What is Chatter? 2 min
  • Top Level Tour 4 min
  • Groups 4 min
  • Tagging #topic 3 min
  • Tagging @mention 2 min
  • Streams 8 min
  • Email Digests 2 min
  • Post/Poll/Question 1 min
  • Searching in Chatter (and Compass) 2 min
  • Salesforce - Chatter Help 1 min
  • You are invited to further discuss this topic here

About this course

Keith Rowe covers the basic functionality of Chatter and how to use this powerful communication tool effectively.

Curriculum31 min

  • Intro and Agenda 1 min
  • What is Chatter? 2 min
  • Top Level Tour 4 min
  • Groups 4 min
  • Tagging #topic 3 min
  • Tagging @mention 2 min
  • Streams 8 min
  • Email Digests 2 min
  • Post/Poll/Question 1 min
  • Searching in Chatter (and Compass) 2 min
  • Salesforce - Chatter Help 1 min
  • You are invited to further discuss this topic here