Introduction 3 min
Asymmetric Keys 3 min
Authentication 2 min
Provisioning 2 min
Support 3 min
Trust Platform Design Suite (TPDS) Configurators and Use Cases 6 min
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Asymmetric Authentication with the ECC608 and ECC204
This class covers how Microchip’s Secure Element devices can provide Asymmetric Authentication for securely establishing device, manufacturer and root identities. (Oct 2024)
This course will build upon the fundamentals of asymmetric cryptography and explore how asymmetric authentication can securely establish identities for a variety of applications – including accessories, disposable devices and IoT secure sessions. This Transport Layer Security (TLS) is enabled by Microchip’s Trust Element devices and our secure key provisioning services. Compare with our complementary course covering Symmetric Authentication to learn what type of security is best for different designs.